Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Mini Project #3- Endangered Species

I had no idea that Haiti had so many endangered species. The animals feature are unheard of, especially the leatherback turtle. Wow, is the first thing I can say about this reptile, it is huge!!! Along with my list I am also providing several links that you guys can check out to get more information about these species, see their pics, if I haven't already added it and just to learn something different.

Endangered Species in Haiti (no particular order):

Rhinoceros iguana
Tundra peregrine falcon
Haitian solenodon
Green sea turtle
Hawksbill turtle
American crocodile
Puerto Rican Hutia
American Manatee
Leatherback turtle
Loggerhead turtle

Dominican Republic/Haitian Endemics
Antillean Piculet, Antillean Siskin, Ashy-faced Owl, Bay-breasted Cuckoo, Black-crowned Palm-Tanager, Broad-billed Tody, Chat Tanager, Flat-billed Vireo, Green-tailed Ground Warble, Grey-crowned Palm-Tanager, Hispaniolan Emerald, Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo, Hispaniolan Parakeet, Hispaniolan Parrot, Hispaniolan Pewee, Hispaniolan Trogon, Hispaniolan Woodpecker, La Selle Thrush, Least Poorwill, Narrow-billed Tody, Palm Chat, Palm Crow, Ridgway's Hawk, Stripe-headed Tanager, White-necked Crow, White-winged Warbler
Caribbean Endemic Specialities in Haiti
Antillean Mango, Antillean Nighthawk, Antillean Palm-Swift, Golden Swallow, Greater Antillean Bullfinch, Greater Antillian Elaenia, Greater Antillean Grackle, Greater Antillean Nightjar, Grey-headed Quail-Dove , Key West Quail Dove, Loggerhead Kingbird, Plain Pigeon, Red-legged Thrush, Rufous-throated Solitaire, Scaly-naped Pigeon, Stolid Flycatcher, Tawny-shouldered Blackbird, Vervain Hummingbird, West Indian Whistling Duck
Other Speciality Birds
White Wing Crossbill
Village Weaver
Rufuous Collared Sparrow
Endangered Birds in Haiti (Breeding and Non-breeding birds)
(endemics are shown in bold italic)
Bay-breasted Cuckoo, Black-capped Petrel, Chat Tanager, Hispaniolan Parakeet, La Selle Thrush, Plain Pigeon, Ridgway's Hawk, West Indian Whistling Duck, White-necked Crow, White-winged Warbler

The links are as followed:






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