Tuesday, March 25, 2008

More Pics

These are just random pictures of the beaches, our capital building in Port-au-Prince, the country-side, Jacmel, which is one of the more affluent areas of Haiti, an old castle, etc.

My Country-Haiti

Hey guys,

I just wanted to share some pics of Haiti with you guys, although you probably hear so many bad things about Haiti, it is truely a beautiful place and I call it home.....

Monday, March 24, 2008

Carbon Cycle-Mini Project # 2

This is a very detailed diagram of the Carbon Cycle. It outlines the process that occurs during this cycle. I have provided a link that gives more information about the illustration and provides some facts about the carbon cycle.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pics from Wild Spots

Hello again guys I didn't know how to add the pictures the firdt time I did my posting but I have figured it out so here are some pics from the website!!

Mini-Project # 1-Wild Spots Foundation

Natacha Revelus
March 19, 2008
Bio 1040

By looking at just the names only, the first organization that caught my eye was: Wild Spots Foundation. I liked the name and decided to see what they were all about. Turns out that Wild Spot is a recent non-profit foundation that was officially organized 6 years ago in March of 2002 by none other than our textbook’s author Dr. Barry Barker. Although I don’t own any pets or animals I am a true animal lover at heart, thus this organization would be perfect for me because they “work towards preserving endangered and threatened species (and their habitats) through different venues such as science, education, technology and visual arts” (Wild Spot Foundation, 2008). It has always been one of my goals to participant in such a cause/project and also I would love to learn about and see these beautiful creatures up close and personal.

Another factor about Wild Spots that stood out to me is their use of the word Biodiversity. I feel that this word is like a mascot for this group, it represents all the varieties that exist among us on earth. The people that take part in organization are all from a different walk of life; they come from different countries and speak different languages but when together you can still see the similarities in all of them. Just like the different animals/species that Wild Spots helps, they are all different but they share that common bond of extinction or endangered.
Lastly, this foundation does quite a lot of traveling to very exotic and beautiful places all over the world. From Panda Preservations in China to the Safaris of Kenya, this organization gets around. I also applaud the other two foundations as well they are also making big and wonderful strides for our environment.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Hello Prof & fellow Classmates,

Welcome to my blog: Pscyh&Science. Since my major is Psychology and this is a Science class, I think its a proper name. I hope you guys enjoy what you will view on my blog and learn a little something from me by the of the course.

Welcome and Enjoy

Natacha Revelus